Enjoy working with your hands and being out by the pool? Maybe you should consider a career as a swimming pool contractor! Swimming pool contractors build and repair pools, as well as other larger water equipment. These contractors are responsible for the pool, the equipment necessary to maintain it, and installing safety devices that help protect the people who use the pool.
A residential pool/spa contractor focuses on residential work and deals with the construction, repair and servicing of pools or hot tubs or spas. He or she deals with the layout, excavation, installation of light niches, construction of floors, installation of tile and coping, installation of housing for pool equipment and more. This contractor does not deal with connections to a sanitary sewer system or potable water lines.
For a swimming pool spa serving contractor, he or she is not required to have licensure when dealing with water treatment or cleaning unless the usage involves construction, modification, disassembly, or replacement of equipment.
There are no formal education requirements for this career. It does not require a college degree. A degree in construction management or science, civil engineering or a construction-related field can be very beneficial though.
Licensure requirements vary state by state for a pool contractor. Some states require an exam and fees. In Florida, swimming pool specialty contractor licenses may be issued: layout, structural, excavation, trim, decking, piping, and finishes. These contractors may not contract directly with the public; they must work under contract and supervision within the scope of work of a contractor licensed under certain Florida statutes.
In 2013, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics said the average salary of a construction manager was $92,700. From 2012 to 2022, it is expected that contracting jobs and construction managers will have a 16 percent job growth rate.
If you’re thinking about becoming a swimming pool contractor or spa servicing contractor in the state of Florida, we can help get you your Florida contractor’s license. We can do the application process for you so there will be no errors along the way. We make the process painless and easy. To start your licensure process, call us at 239-777-1028 or click here.