General Contractors vs. Subcontractors

General contractors have a Division 1 License, which can consist of a General, Building or Residential contractor’s license.  These types of contractors are generally a single person or a company, they do business by obtaining contracts and carrying them out. They are responsible for hiring sub-contractors within specific fields to get the jobs completed. They are also responsible for providing all material, labor, permits and equipment to complete the contract. Contractors are in charge of recruiting an inspector because every project has to pass inspection in order to be complete.


Sub-contractors work for General Contractors and are required to obtain a Division 2 License in their desired field, such as plumbing, HVAC, Electrical and other contractor specialties.  They are hired by general contractors to assist them in completing the contract given. Subcontractors are hired on a skill set basis and are hired to perform specific tasks as a part of the overall project. The same Subcontractors usually work together from project to project to keep work following and projects organized.


General Contractors and subcontractors work very hard together to complete a construction project. The contractor acts as the manager of the project, serving as the central point of communication and organization. The subcontractors are to complete the project within time given. Most projects are on a very tight and demanding schedule and deadline. The Contractors work together with the subcontractors to make sure the deadlines are met and work is completed and up to code. When closer to the deadline, the General Contractor will have an inspector come in and conduct a very thorough inspection. The Contractor will be given a checklist of things that are still needed to be completed, now all the contractors will work together to complete the checklist before the final inspection.


Are you looking to become a Florida contractor? Let us help you with the process! We are a Florida contractor licensing company who helps people get their Florida contractor’s license. Whether you like electrical work or plumbing, we can help you through the process; we do all the heavy work for you! To get started, click here or call 239-777-1028.

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