Each year, the construction industry is becoming more sustainable and eco-friendlier. It was predicted last year the commercial construction industry would increase by 8.8%, which is great news for workers and businesses, but bad news for the environment if all this work wasn’t done in a sustainable manner. Construction work can produce a lot of waste. In fact, the waste from construction is predicted to double in the next seven years.
With new technologies and practices, there are ways to reduce waste and damage to the environment that many companies are adopting.
The construction industry uses 50 percent of all the natural resources. Construction work accounts for 25-40 percent of carbon emissions. As you can see, a lot can be wasted and hurt the Earth.
So, how has more sustainable practices helped the environment and businesses?
- Over 300,000 trees have been saved since more construction companies have gone digital.
- By going green, a company can increase ROI, produces 34% less CO2 emissions, consumes 25% less energy wise, and consumes 11% less water
- Reduction in materials used.
Green building doubles every three years. What are some ways to go “green” and be a more sustainable construction business?
- Building Information Modeling (BIM) can help reduce waste by up to 45%. This program can help contractors make more accurate estimations on designs so there’s fewer errors and more productivity. BIM makes it so there’s less last-minute changes or do-overs that occur.
- 3D printing helps reduce the amount of natural resources used. 3D-printing can help us depend less on non-sustainable resources.
- Construction software/automation is helping contractors digitize all aspects of a business, so they no longer need to print thousands of pages of paper.
Want to Become a Licensed Contractor?
Interested in becoming a contractor? The contractor world is adapting the latest technologies and becoming eco-friendlier by the day – it’s a great time to be a contractor when there’s so much to learn and be proud of.
As a Florida contractor licensing company, we can help you get your contractor license. We will get a variety of information from you and let you know what is needed to be licensed. We will fill out and send in the form to the Construction Licensing Board for you.
To get your contractor license, click our contractor license page to learn more or call 239-777-1028 to get started with the license application process.