Start Your New Year Off with a Contractor’s License

Can you believe it’s 2019 all ready? Happy New Year! Where did the time go? What’s your new year’s resolution this year? Have you been putting off getting your contractor’s license? Now is a better time than any to get it done! Remember, in the state of Florida, you can not work as a contractor legally without a Florida contractor’s license.

You’ve probably thought to yourself, “getting a contractor’s license is a lot of work,” which is probably why you’ve been putting it off. Well, it doesn’t have to be hard!

As a contractor licensing company in Florida, it is our job to help you get licensed. Below, we’ve detailed some steps that you need to take to get licensed.

  1. Figure out what license you are applying for. General contractor’s license? Electrical? Plumbing? HVAC?
  2. If a test is necessary for this license, sign up for a prep class and take the test.
  3. Figure out what requirements are necessary for the license. You want to make sure you have enough experience and education for you to be approved.
  4. Look at what fees you need to pay.
  5. Send in your application to the state so the Contractor Licensing Board can review your application.

Now, many people send in their applications with errors or missing information. It can be overwhelming to send in a “perfect” application – there is a lot to account for. As a contractor licensing company, we do all this work for you. We know what the Board is looking for. We know how to write/phrase items in your application. We know what qualifications, tests, and fees you need. We make sure we have everything before we mail out the application. We do all the heavy lifting, which makes getting a contractor license easy-as-pie for you.

Let us help you get licensed. Kick off your new year on the right foot.


As a Florida contractor licensing company, we will work with you to get your contractor license application approved by the Board. Leave it up to us to get the paperwork filed correctly! To get your contractor license, click Florida contractor’s license page to learn more or call 239-777-1028.



Why You Should Hire A Contracting Team Over One General Contractor  

A general contractor is skilled. Often, he/she is skilled in many ways, but that does not mean he/she knows everything. Projects can be complex and require the expertise of someone else or you need more than one person to handle the job.

One contractor cannot easily handle a residential or commercial project alone. Sure, if you’re toilet is broken, one plumber could easily come over and fix the problem. But when it comes to residential and commercial construction, it can be nearly impossible for a single person to do everything that needs to get done by themselves, within budget, and on schedule.

Planning. Buying. Organizing. Invoicing. Budgeting. Doing the job. These are a lot of tasks. Therefore, it makes much more sense to hire a team. A general contracting business made up of many employees and subcontractors tend to have better success in projects and reviews.

When a contractor works with a team, he works together with differently professionals who specialize in a different part of the project. From designers and electricians to foreman and managers, everyone has a different but important role to play. The number of people working on a project will depend on the size and complexity of the project.

If you hire a single contractor, he must do all the work on his own. If it’s a complicated job, it will take him much longer than if he had help.

A contractor has to meet with you, come up with a plan, show you the plan, execute the plan, buy supplies, put in the work, and deliver the project on time. Sure, many teams have hit bumps in the road and projects are delivered late, but a team project tends to go much faster than one person working alone.

Looking to get a contractor’s license? Or, do you need to get one of your employees or subcontractors licensed? We can help you get your license.

We are a Florida contractor licensing company and can help you get your license in all 50 states. We will talk to you over the phone and by email to get your application approved by the Board. We make the process easy, fast, and stress-free. To get your contractor license, click our Florida contractor’s license page to learn more or call 239-777-1028.


How to Have A Good Contracting Business

If you’re a licensed contractor who wants to start his/her own business, there are certain things you should do, have, or think about that will likely guarantee you will grow your business or create a business that can last long.

  • Get the right systems in place to run your business efficiently. From invoicing and scheduling to bookkeeping, use a system that helps you and your employees be efficient and effective.
  • Look for customer referrals.
  • How are people reviewing or rating you? Try to get positive customer reviews, especially publicly.
  • Do you have a high or low turnover rate? If people keep leaving, ask yourself why, or find out.
  • Focus on areas you need to improve your business before expanding your business in any way. Stay small to keep your cash flow higher if your profits are not going up. If your profits increase, then you can justify hiring more people for your team.
  • Work on communication skills and customer service.
  • Hire skilled, intelligent, independent workers who you don’t have to worry about.
  • Be available to your clients/customers.
  • Always pay attention to your finances so you don’t come up short in the end. Be prepared for all scenarios.
  • Join an industry association where you can network and work on forming and developing better skills.
  • Market your business on a website, social media, through email, and more. Go to networking events in your local area.
  • Work with or have someone with more experience than you to guide you.
  • Go above-and-beyond for customers so they will call you back and become repeat customers and refer you to others.
  • Make your business stand out. Choose a specialty to master.

If you’re just starting out and need a contractor’s license or if one of your employees does, let us help you get licensed. Unlicensed contracting work is illegal in Florida and many other states. As a Florida contractor licensing company, we will work with you to get your application approved by the Board. The application process can be tricky, so leave it up to us to get the job done! To get your contractor license, click Florida contractor’s license page to learn more or call 239-777-1028.


Reasons You Should Join a Contractor or Trade Association

If you are a contractor with a business, whether big or small, you should think about joining a contractor/trade association (or more than one).

As a contractor licensing company, we wanted to share reasons with you as to why you should join these associations.

  • These associations help promote the industry through collaborative efforts. For example, you can go to local high schools and promote a certain trade.
  • These associations will keep you up-to-date on code and licensing changes.
  • There is strength in numbers. As an association, you can go up against the city or state in decisions or votes that are going to hurt your trade.
  • An association can help pay for training or offer less expensive training for people.
  • Associations often bring in great speakers for meetings. These speakers are good at what they do and can motivate you to do things you may have never done before.
  • You belong to a group doing the same work as you and having similar problems as you. These people can become friends and a great support system to you.
  • You can find people to buy or sell a business to through the association.
  • Your customers will find you more credible if you belong to an association.
  • You can choose what level association you want to be a part of to save on costs.

Here are just a few associations for you to possibly join:

  • American Road & Transportation Builders Association (ARTBA)
  • American Subcontractors Association, Inc. (ASA)
  • Associated Builders and Contractors, Inc. (ABC)
  • The Associated General Contractors of America (AGC)
  • National Association of Women in Construction (NAWIC)
  • National Electrical Contractors Association (NECA)

Looking to get your contractor’s license or know someone who needs one? We’ve got you covered. We are a Florida contractor licensing company and can help contractors in all 50 states get their licenses. We will talk to you over the phone and by email to get your application approved by the Board. We know what the Board needs to get you approved the first time, and fast!  To get your contractor license, click Florida contractor’s license page to learn more or call 239-777-1028.


Things You Need in Place to Run Your Contracting Business

If you’re a contractor that wants to start your own business or have a business and want it to grow more, you need to make sure you have the right things or systems in place for your business to run efficiently and effectively.

As a contractor licensing business, we wanted to share with you some things you need to have in place for your business to flourish.

  • Use accounting and bookkeeping software that is easy-to-use and understand. These systems track all your money come in and out, and they help you keep your business running. Some good choices are Quickbooks and Xero.
  • Just like the accounting and bookkeeping software, you need a payroll and invoicing system that is easy to use, so you can pay yourself and your employees and invoice clients and vendors. is a great service. Quickbooks is great for payroll, as well.
  • Get yourself a task management platform to manage projects. A great tool is Asana.
  • A lot of your business communications may happen through email, so it is in your best interest to get a good email server, like Gmail, for your emails.
  • Get yourself a proper digital calendar system to schedule projects, appointments, deliveries, bills due, etc. Google Calendar or Calendly are great tools to keep track of all your appointments.
  • Google Docs and Google Sheets are a great and cheaper way to send paperwork and you don’t have to buy a software license to use them.

If you need more tips or ideas on how to start a business or get a contractor business going, either join an association or contact us. We help contractors get their businesses started.

If you need help establishing a contractor business of if you need your contractor license, let us help you. We are a Florida contractor licensing company and have helped contractors in all 50 states get their licenses.

We know what the Board needs to get your license or business approved quickly. To get your contractor license or business license, click our Florida contractor’s license page or Forming Your Contractor Business page  to learn more or call 239-777-1028.

Why You Should Not Hire an Unlicensed Contractor

In the state of Florida, it is illegal to practice contractor work without a contractor license. Do you really want someone working on your home illegally? Sure, maybe this unlicensed contractor’s fees are a lot less than other contractors, but is it worth the risk?

As a contractor licensing company, we have helped thousands of contractors get their licenses across many states. For this article, we wanted to share with you reasons why you should hire or work with an unlicensed contractor, even if they are the most affordable option.

  • An unlicensed contractor can take your money and disappear.
  • Licensed contractors must go through a lot of work to be licensed, so it shows they have a higher work ethic and values.
  • An unlicensed contractor likely doesn’t carry any type of insurance, which means he/she can go after you if they get hurt on your property.
  • If you work with an unlicensed contractor, there’s a good chance some of the warranties on the products he/she installed will be void.
  • Your contract with an unlicensed contractor may not have any legal backing, so if something goes wrong, you can’t go after them legally in the what you would like.
  • If the unlicensed contractor makes a mistake and ruins other things in your home by accident, he isn’t obligate to fix or replace any damaged areas. He cannot pay you for the loss, and it will be nearly impossible for you to sue him for damages.
  • Your unlicensed contractor likely will not know the proper codes or permits, which means you must investigate this information. If not, you will get fined.
  • If the work the contractor does on the home causes future damage or defects, you will be liable not the unlicensed contractor. In this scenario, your homeowner’s insurance likely will not help you either because you chose to work with an unlicensed contractor.

Every year, homeowners hire unlicensed contractors who make promises and appear to be trustworthy and legit; however, in many of these scenarios, the contractor starts to make up lies and disappears with the homeowners’ down payment. Don’t let this be you. Don’t let a small home job turn into thousands of dollars lawsuit against you.

It’s worth hiring and paying more money for a licensed contractor. You know with a licensed contractor that he/she is insured, experienced, and legally responsible to get the job done for you.

If you’re looking to get your own contractor’s license, we can help you. Please do not work illegally. The state of Florida can fine you if you’re caught.

We are a Florida contractor licensing company and can help you get your license no matter what state you live in. We will talk to you over the phone and by email to get your application approved by the Board. We make the process easy and less stressful for you. To get your contractor license, click our Florida contractor’s license page to learn more or call 239-777-1028.


Information on Business License Services

As a contractor licensing company, we don’t just help our clients get their contractor’s license, we also help people form their business and run their business.

What services do we offer?

  • Corporation registration
  • Limited liability company
  • Foreign qualification

When forming and running a business, there is a lot of paperwork. We will do this paperwork for you. We can form your new business in two to three days. Our business package is tailored to the construction industry. We can form your business far cheaper than an attorney can.

What do we do? We fill out forms, acquire information, and request other needed documents. We offer foreign qualification packages and license and business maintenance services.

Here’s how we help you form a new business:

  • We research the desired company name for availability with the state
  • We fill out Corporation or LLC forms and file with the state’s Division of Corporations
  • We acquire an EIN using SS4 form from the IRS
  • We prepare a 2553 (S-corp) document
  • Professionally organized corporate documents provided electronically
  • We apply for your Workers Compensation exemption (Per person state fee is additional)
  • We fill out your Local Business Tax/Occupational License form
  • We fill out forms to Register your state license with the local municipality


When it comes to running your business, we will help you keep track of deadlines for your business and licenses. We don’t want you to pay late fees. Our service will provide you with a comprehensive list of all requirements, by state and county, for each of your businesses and/or licenses. We provide you with everything from when to file annual reports to when your CEU’s need to be done.


Throughout the year, we also offer maintenance services to make sure all your fees are taken care of and paid on time.


We want to make forming and running a business easy for you! We are a contractor licensing team. To learn about our business services, click Florida contractor business license page to learn more or call 239-777-1028.



How to Budget with Your New Contractor Business

If you just started your own contracting business, you have a lot to think about – finances and budgets are one of the things that is on your mind. Without a financial plan or budget in place, you will not be able to keep your company afloat. From overhead expenses to payroll, there’s a lot of expenses to running your own business.

As a Florida contractor licensing company, we wanted to share with you some tips on how to budget at the start of your new business.

  • Estimate your projected spending for the year. From office space to materials, come up with a number. Being a new business, you may want to start off conservatively – there’s no need for fancy, expensive (unnecessary) items yet.
  • You can determine the amount of revenue you will need for the year to pay for the spending and make a profit.
  • Figure out your direct costs – these are costs related to projects such as labor, subcontractors, materials, rental fees, etc. Understand what it costs to pay for labor. With each employee, you must think about pay, taxes, workers’ compensation, liability insurance, holidays, vacation time, insurance premiums and overtime.
  • Figure out your fixed costs such as rent, salaries, marketing, technology. These amounts are constant year to year but can go up, but not like your variable costs. Variable costs change as your business changes. Variable costs include travel expenses, supplies, repairs, uniforms, and tools.
  • Determine your overhead costs from your fixed costs and variable costs. These are expenses that are general/admin expenses that are ongoing that do not have to do with your services.
  • Determine how much you need to take in to break even. As a new business, it might take you a few years before you make a profit.

If you need a contractor’s license or if one of your subcontractors does, let us help you or them get licensed. You need a license to operate legally in many states, including Florida.

As a Florida contractor licensing company, we will work with you to get your contractor license application approved by the Board. The application process can be tricky, so leave it up to us to get the paperwork filed correctly! To get your contractor license, click Florida contractor’s license page to learn more or call 239-777-1028.


Green Building Trends to Incorporate in Your Business

Green isn’t just a fleeting trend – it’s here to stay. More and more contractors are incorporating green construction into their work. Younger generations appreciate eco-friendly design and materials. With climate change and pollution being ever-growing problems, people are looking for ways to make the world a more natural place.

If you start to go green, you will attract a new clientele – this is a great way to get new customers. You will be keeping up with modern advancements while also reducing your carbon footprint.

For this article, we wanted to share with you some ways to go green.

  • Use cross-laminated timber. These structures reduce emissions. Wood does not emit carbon like steel or concrete does.
  • Use bamboo. Bamboo absorbs 35 percent more carbon dioxide than trees. It is stronger than steel and it can be recycled many times.
  • Insulating attics help with reduce energy costs and expenditures.
  • Use solar energy.
  • Build with water-resistant materials and wind resistant materials to help keep buildings from being destroyed.
  • Recycle leftover materials.
  • Figure out how to collect the rainwater off the building.
  • Building walls covered in plants.

These are just a few ideas to help you get started going green. You not only are helping the environment, but you are helping your clients save on energy bills.

Looking to get your contractor’s license? Need to get one of your subcontractors licensed? We can help. We are a Florida contractor licensing company and can help contractors in all 50 states get their licenses. We will talk to you over the phone and by email to get your application approved by the Board. You just simply answer questions and we do the paperwork for you. We will tell you what you need in order to be approved. We know what the Board needs to get you approved and we get it done fast!  To get your contractor license, click Florida contractor’s license page to learn more or call 239-777-1028.



How to Become an Authority in Your Contracting Business


If you’re a contractor that just started your own business, you have a lot of competition – you need to do or find something that will make you stand out from the crowd. You have to make yourself known and build your brand in such a way that people will turn to you and trust you for specific reasons.


As a contractor licensing company, we wanted to share with you some things you can do to stand out as a new contractor business.


  • Get licensed and certified in as many things as possible. Your licenses/certifications show that you are educated, determined, motivated, hard working, legal, and have an authority on certain specialities or topics.
  • Figure out what makes you different. Is it your great comunication skills? Ability to always use new technology? The fact that you use new buildings design ideas before anyone else? That you’re a “green” contractor.” Think about what makes you different and special and talk about this often. Put this on your marketing materials and social media.
  • Get your name out there. Boost posts on Facebook. Reach out to the local paper and news stations. Reach out to contractor blogs. Connect with local hardware and supply stores.
  • Join a contractor association or several.
  • Connect with other contractors in your speciality to work with them and learn from them. You both might be able to help each other out.
  • Ask your clients for referrals, or start a client refferal program to build your brand and increase your business and reputation.


If you are a new business, it will take time to build your buisness, brand, and authority – it won’t happen over night. It will be work to become an authority in your field, but it will be worth it when the clients don’t stop coming in.


Need help establishing a contractor business?  Or, need a contractor’s license? We are a Florida contractor licensing company and have helped contractors in all 50 states get their contractor licenses and business licensed.

We know what the Board needs to get your license or business approved quickly. To get your contractor license or business license,  click our Florida contractor’s license page or Forming Your Contractor Business page to learn more or call 239-777-1028.