Must-Do’s with a Construction Project

Although every construction project is different, there are crucial elements and planning that needs to occur throughout any project for it to be successful. You need to plan correctly and accordingly to start a project off on the right foot.

We wanted to share with you some strategies and must-dos to start your construction project:

  • Hire quality sub-contractors, designers.
  • Making sure everyone on the project has the right tools they need to work and succeed.
  • Keep track of your task list.
  • Choose the right technology to use.
  • Make sure everyone on the project is using the same type of technology and is trained on this technology.
  • Set up templates and standards to save time.
  • Figure out how all the data in your project will be collected.
  • Budget the project.
  • Create a flow of communication.
  • Consider zoning and permitting.
  • Get to know your team.

If you start your project off on the right foot with a solid plan, you will be better prepared to handle any issues that come along the way.

How to Get Your Contractor’s License

A contracting career is rewarding – you learn a lot, you meet a lot of people, you gain a lot of skills, and you receive a good paycheck.

If you’re looking to get a contractor’s license, we can help. We are a Florida contractor licensing company. To practice legally in most states, you need a contractor license. We have helped thousands of contractors across the United States get their contractor license.

We do all the work for you. You just provide us with information about yourself, your skills, your background, your testing, your education, your job experience, etc. We will let you know what information is missing. We will submit a correct, complete application to the Board on your behalf. 95% of our clients get approved the first time with no issue.

To get your contractor license, click our Florida contractor’s license page to learn more or call 239-777-1028 to get started with us.

Contractors Become More Sustainable Each Year

Each year, the construction industry is becoming more sustainable and eco-friendlier. It was predicted last year the commercial construction industry would increase by 8.8%, which is great news for workers and businesses, but bad news for the environment if all this work wasn’t done in a sustainable manner. Construction work can produce a lot of waste. In fact, the waste from construction is predicted to double in the next seven years.

With new technologies and practices, there are ways to reduce waste and damage to the environment that many companies are adopting.

The construction industry uses 50 percent of all the natural resources. Construction work accounts for 25-40 percent of carbon emissions. As you can see, a lot can be wasted and hurt the Earth.

So, how has more sustainable practices helped the environment and businesses?

  • Over 300,000 trees have been saved since more construction companies have gone digital.
  • By going green, a company can increase ROI, produces 34% less CO2 emissions, consumes 25% less energy wise, and consumes 11% less water
  • Reduction in materials used.

Green building doubles every three years. What are some ways to go “green” and be a more sustainable construction business?

  • Building Information Modeling (BIM) can help reduce waste by up to 45%. This program can help contractors make more accurate estimations on designs so there’s fewer errors and more productivity. BIM makes it so there’s less last-minute changes or do-overs that occur.
  • 3D printing helps reduce the amount of natural resources used. 3D-printing can help us depend less on non-sustainable resources.
  • Construction software/automation is helping contractors digitize all aspects of a business, so they no longer need to print thousands of pages of paper.

Want to Become a Licensed Contractor?

Interested in becoming a contractor? The contractor world is adapting the latest technologies and becoming eco-friendlier by the day – it’s a great time to be a contractor when there’s so much to learn and be proud of.

As a Florida contractor licensing company, we can help you get your contractor license. We will get a variety of information from you and let you know what is needed to be licensed. We will fill out and send in the form to the Construction Licensing Board for you.

To get your contractor license, click our contractor license page to learn more or call 239-777-1028 to get started with the license application process.


Ways to Lower Construction Costs

Owning a construction business has its costs, especially with materials and labor costs rising each year. It’s important for a contractor to try and lower construction costs as much as possible in order to make a profit. Some costs are out of one’s control, but there are other costs that could be reduced, and there could be other things you didn’t even know you were spending too much money on. It’s always good to reevaluate your costs often to find places where you can save.

There’s always a way to lower costs. Below, we wanted to share with you some ways you can save and lower your construction costs.

  • Do more things through automation. Automation can reduce errors and improve efficiency. Automation will help a company reduce overhead costs. It will allow your team to accomplish more tasks and at a faster pace while cutting back on the number of errors that occur. You can automate submittals, budgeting, and more.
  • Invest in a document management system. There are many documents needed in the construction world and going digital will reduce administrative costs. Going digital also helps improve efficiency. The document management system can even generate reports to show you where you can cut costs
  • Keep up with and get the latest technology. Mobile apps and tools can help you monitor and track time, projects, tools, equipment, and more. Through technology, you can be more efficient and lose less money and profits by keeping better track of things.

Look for ways to optimize and improve on your processes and this will ultimately help you reduce costs over time.

How to Get Your Contractor’s License

Ready to be part of the contracting industry? You’ll need a license. As a Florida contractor licensing company, we can help you get one. We have helped thousands of contractors across the United States get their contractor license.

Our clients provide us with some basic information on skills, background, testing, education, etc. Then, we will fill out all their paperwork and submit it to the Contractor Licensing Board on their behalf to get them approved. We know all the requirements and deadlines for all licenses to get our clients approved fast.

To get your contractor license, click our contractor’s license page to learn more or call 239-777-1028 to get a contractor license application started with us.


Don’t Work in Florida Without Your Contractor’s License

You may be talented, experienced, and skilled, but if you work in the state of Florida as a contractor without a license, you could be fined and arrested on misdemeanor or felony charges. It is illegal to work as a contractor unlicensed in Florida and many other states. In fact, it is a criminal offense to work in Florida as a contractor without the proper license.

In Florida, there are nine ways you can get in trouble (or get caught) for working without a license. You only need to be caught and found guilty of one of the following to be convicted.

  1. You falsely say or your company is licensed, when your/it are not.
  2. You pretend to be a certificate holder or registrant of a license.
  3. You present someone else’s certificate or registrations.
  4. You give false or forged evidence to the Contractor Licensing Board of having a license when you don’t.
  5. You use and work under a certificate or registration that has been suspended or revoked.
  6. You operate a contracting business after 60 days of termination.
  7. You perform work that requires a building permit without the getting a building permit.
  8. You disregard or violate municipal or county ordinances related to uncertified/unregistered licenses.
  9. You advertise yourself or business as an available registered contractor when you are not.

The Department of Business and Professional Regulation (DBPR) gives contractors a certificate of competency to contractors who earn it in Florida. A registration in Florida is a registration with the DBPR in accordance with Florida statues.

If found guilty of unlicensed contracting work in Florida, a person is usually charged with a first-degree misdemeanor – penalties of up to one year of probation or prison and a $1,000 fine.

If the unlicensed contractor has been convicted before, he/she could be charged with a third-degree felony. This felony has penalties of up to five years in prison or probation and a $5,000 fine, and court-ordered restitution when the victim claims the work performed was sub-par and caused a loss of some sort due to the contractor being unlicensed.

If the unlicensed contractor pleads guilty, he/she will have a permanent criminal record that can ruin a chance of obtaining a contractor license in the future.

As you can see, obtaining a contractor’s license is important and necessary. You don’t want to ruin your career and future by practicing without one.

If you’re looking to get your Florida contractor’s license, we can help. We are a Florida contractor licensing company that specializes in getting our clients their licenses fast and easy. We know the process of getting the applications into the Board.  If you are ready to get contractor license, click our Florida contractor’s license page to learn more or call 239-777-1028 to get started on a contractor license application with us.


Reasons Why You Didn’t Win A Construction Bid

The construction industry has continued to grow in recent years with more work popping up left and right. With more work, there’s more companies bidding to win jobs. Unfortunately, a construction company isn’t going to win every bid they put in, especially when there’s a lot of competition.

There are many reasons why a company can lose a construction bid. It’s important for a company to try and learn why it’s lost a bid so it can grow from its shortcomings and begin to win more bids more often.

We wanted to share with you some reasons why a company may have lost a bid at a construction job:

  • The company didn’t understand the scope of work, which means the company didn’t deliver proper tasks or deadlines in the proposal. To remedy this in the future, always ask questions to clarify something about the project that you don’t understand.
  • The bid price wasn’t right for the client. You don’t want to overbid, underbid, or misquote. To give the best bid, focus on accurately pricing your services/materials based on the client’s scope of work.
  • The company didn’t explain costs. Construction costs continue to rise, so you may need to explain why your bid is what it is. Labor has gone up. Materials have gone up. Break down costs and explain them to the client so they won’t just dismiss your bid.
  • The company didn’t show experience. Show your credentials! Your experience is proof you know what you’re doing. Show it off to the potential client. Remember, bid for projects you do have experience for, so you won’t take something on you cannot handle.
  • The company had poor or mediocre references. If a potential client contents a reference, you doesn’t speak of you highly, you likely won’t win the bid. Choose quality, great references to give to the client, because clients who are anything less won’t help your cause.
  • The company has a poor safety record. For the future, implement better safety protocols and plans to educate employees so less accidents and mishaps occur.
  • The company left out important information. The bid must be complete. If documents and other info is missing, you likely won’t be considered.
  • The company sent the bid in late. Tardiness will be a red flag for a client. If you’re late with a proposal, you may be late with everything else.

By working on the above points, you will put yourself in a position to win a better bid.

Looking to get a Contractor License?

If you want to be part of an ever-growing and changing field, we can help get you licensed. You need a contractor license to practice legally in most states.

As a Florida contractor licensing company, we have helped thousands of contractors across the United States get their contractor license. To get your contractor license, click our contractor license page to learn more or call 239-777-1028 to get started on your contractor license application.


How Technology Can Help Boost Your Productivity

Time is so important on construction jobs – so much depends on it. Problems and setbacks can pop up at any time. Fortunately, with the help of technology, some problems can be a thing of the past.  Technology and digital tools can help our construction teams be more productive and help move along the flow of a project.

Here are some ways in which technology can help boost productivity on any construction job:

  • Virtual reality can help contractors see what a job will look like once it’s finished – this gives everyone a lot of insight into the project. You can see potential flaws or problems ahead of time. You can even show the client the finished project through VR. You can get changes and comments early on before you even begin construction.
  • Construction project software allows everyone to be in communication throughout the entire project and to see what stage the project is in. All updates and progress are shown in real time. You can schedule meetings, post updates, check on progress, and more.
  • Business information modeling software (BIM) gathers information to show a visual of the project. You can determine all your resources and time needed through this software.
  • GPS technologies let contractors know how well and how much subcontractors are working so there is no need to clock in.
  • There are apps with automated payroll features to easily pay workers.
  • Artificial intelligence can help process data and transform it into blueprints and plans. AI can give tasks to other people if people are missing from a project, as well, so the project doesn’t get disrupted.

By using these technologies, a contractor can boost productivity and efficiency in the work place. As technology improves, our projects will have faster turnaround times.

Want to work with the latest technology in an ever-growing field? Get your contractor’s license. As a contractor licensing company, we have helped thousands of contractors get their contractor license in Florida and in other states, and we want to help you too. First you provide us with some basic info on your skills, background, testing, education, and other info. Then, we will fill out all the paperwork and submit it to the Board on your behalf to get you approved.

To get your contractor license, click our Florida contractor’s license page to learn more and get started with us or call 239-777-1028.


How to Manage Mistakes in a Construction Project

Mistakes happen – in all aspects of life. Unfortunately, in the world of business, certain mistakes can be costly. Mistakes can also trickle into other areas of a project or business and create even more mistakes or problems. With many moving parts, mistakes are basically inevitable in the construction industry. Since mistakes are unavoidable, a contractor’s best bet is to be prepared and to have plans in place for when mistakes do occur.

With a mistake-plan in place, mistakes can be addressed and fixed faster, which means the company will not lose out as much (money wise) and the project can be finished on time still.

Below, we wanted to share with you some things to have as part of your mistake-plan that will help you recover faster if you unfortunately encounter a mistake or two on a project.

  • Admit to the mistake so no time is wasted on figuring out how or why it occurred. The faster you admit responsibility, the faster the problem can be fixed. If it wasn’t you or your team, figure out who made the mistake as quick as possible.
  • Document all mistakes. You want to remember what the issue was so it can be avoided in the future with the same or different project.
  • Be open and honest about the mistake. Let everyone on the team know about a mistake and how it will affect the project. If everyone understands the mistake, it is less likely to happen again.
  • Create a schedule to fix the mistake, if it can’t be immediately fixed.
  • Do a project risk assessment. You want to make sure every step was properly taken to fix the situation.

For the future, you should create policies to help avoid future mistakes. Whether you use better tools, use better technology, use more automation, or find a better way to communicate, adopt things into your business that will help lower the number of mistakes that occur.

How to Get Your Contractor’s License

If you’d like a career in contracting, you need a license. It is illegal to work in many states without a contractor license.

As a Florida contractor licensing company, we have helped thousands of contractors across the United States get their contractor license.

We will put together your contractor license application and send it off to the Contractor Licensing Board.

To get your contractor license, click our Florida contractor’s license page to learn more or call 239-777-1028 to get started with us.

What is a Contractor?

If you’re a contractor, you already know the answer to this; however, there’s many people out there that may not know exactly what a contractor does for a living.

In the construction industry, a contractor (organization or person) is hired to work on and complete a project – it could be residential, commercial or something else. A contractor has a certain specialty and hires other contractors (or subcontractors) to help with work that is needed for another type of skill/specialty.

When a general contractor is hired, he/she/the company finds individuals to help get the job done. They also find the right materials, tools, and equipment to complete the task. They draw up the construction contract, as well. Contractors also deal with getting permits, purchasing facilities, safety, site surveying, scheduling, payroll, waste management, and more. The general contractor is the one who works with the client and communicates with them.

Along with a general contractor, there is the construction manager who helps develop the project and initiates the construction phase of the project. The manager manages subcontractors. He/she has the most responsibilities.

A prime contractor (similar to general contractor) monitors progress, plans, manages workload, make sure safety codes are being followed, updating the project, and more.

Design-and-build contractors are in charge of designing and developing the project.

Contractors control projects, manage problems, fix problems, act fast, manage a team, delegate tasks, give updates, communicate with clients, and much more.

Whether you want to be a general contractor or a specialty contractor, you will have a lot of responsibilities and things to know. The more you know and do, the more valuable you are.

Ready to get your contractor’s license? As a contractor licensing company, we can help! We have helped thousands of contractors get their contractor license in Florida and in other states. To get your contractor license, click our Florida contractor’s license page to learn more or call 239-777-1028.

Questions to Ask a General Contractor

Before you begin working with anyone, it’s totally normal and essential to ask him/her questions before you start a project. You want to make sure you’re working with the right person for the job. We wanted to share with you some questions you should ask a general contractor before hiring them for a job.

  • How is your business organized?
    • Who is the owner?
    • Who is in charge of projects and tasks?
  • Do you have experience with projects like mine? Same type and size?
  • Can I have the contact information for past clients?
  • How you do handle and manage scheduling?
  • What technology do you use?
  • How many subcontractors do you work with?
  • How many people will be working on this project?
  • Who will be in contact with me? How often?
  • Will I be given a timeline?
  • What happens if there is a delay?
  • Who will be supervising my project? And how?
  • Do you have workers compensation and liability insurance?
  • How do you settle disputes?
  • How much do you expect me to put down?
  • How long have you been in this line of work?

Finding the right contractor takes time and research. Talk to friends and get referrals. You want to work with someone trustworthy. The above question will help you get a better idea if this contractor makes sense to work with.

Want to become a contractor yourself? Or know someone who does? You’ll need a contractor license to practice legally in Florida and many other states.  We are a contractor licensing company. We have helped thousands of contractors across the United States get their contractor license, and we want to help you too. We are based in Florida. When you contact us, we will ask you to provide us with some basic information on your skills, background, testing, education, etc. Then, we will fill out all the paperwork, let you know if you are missing anything, have you send us the correct/new info, finish up the application, and submit it to the Board on your behalf to get you approved. We get you approved the first time

To get your contractor license, click our Florida contractor’s license page to get started with us or call 239-777-1028.


Help with Getting a Florida Contractor License

If you want to work as a contractor in the state of Florida, you need a Florida contractor’s license. We are a contractor licensing company, and we can help you get licensed in Florida and other states. Getting a Florida contractor’s license can be a complicated process as many contractors end up getting denied when the application isn’t filled out properly or things are missing. Since the process can be complicated, we wanted to share some frequently asked questions that we get during the contractor license application process.


For construction contracting, it’s four years. For electrical contracting, it’s two years.


A “certified contractor” is a state-wide contractor licensed at the state level.  A “registered contractor” is a contractor who has a county license (or multiple) who then had to register that license with the state because it was a major trade. Registered contractors can only work in the county in which they have a competency card.


When it comes to contractor licenses, experience is important and valid no matter where it occurred, if it was legal experience and the projects meet requirements.


It depends on the severity and number of incidences and how recent these incidences are. Click the link below to contact us and learn more.


In Florida, a certified contractor needs to complete 14 hours of board-approved continuing education every two years by August 31 of an even-numbered year. For registered contractors, they need to renew in odd-numbered years.

If you’re looking to get your Florida contractor’s license, renew your license, or upgrade your license, we can help!

Our contractor licensing company can make getting a Florida contractor’s license easy. We will pull together all the things needed to complete the Florida contractor license application. We will let you know what courses, tests, exams, and experience you need or are missing.  Our goal is to make the process smooth and simple for you.

We are a Florida contractor licensing company but help people in all states get licensed. To get started on the process, click our contractor’s license page or our Florida contractor license page call us at 239-777-1028.